Alternative Home Remedies for Acne Overnight

Get rid acne overnight, is it possible? Actually, regardless of the possibilities, it depends on your personal self. If you are desperate, just let your acne. But if you are still eager to treat your acne, there are alternatives to simply lighten your acne overnight.

Perhaps the above sentence in your mind when you first read the headline on this article. because I also think so. But what's wrong with you to try an alternative home remedies for acne overnight.

Alternative ways home remedies for acne overnight

1. Used to clean your face, do wash your face before bed and use a handkerchief to dry hands. then dab of white toothpaste on the pimple you want removed, let it sleep and be left alone, now as in the morning, wash your face thoroughly

2. Squeeze lemon juice and apply on the acne on your face before bed, the morning before, wash your face thoroughly. Oh yes, maybe a little bit sore if there are open wounds, so be careful if you have open sores acne, these tips should be avoided

3. Lavender oil, do you Apply a small amount of lavender oil on the acne is stubborn. let the anti-bacterial content contained in lavender oil that will fight acne infection. Lavender oil is also believed to encourage skin growth.

4. Egg white, take only the egg whites only, separate first. How to use it to stay apply it directly on your face.
According to some sources that exist in some health magazine I have ever read, explain if the content of the egg whites are rich in protein, vitamins and nutrients that can eradicate the acne. Some vitamins that are essential to get rid of acne which is found in egg whites one of them is Vitamin B2. Vitamin b2 is very useful to make your face to relax, oil-free, and relieve stress on the face. Because stress can increase oil production can cause acne.
In addition to vitamin B2, vitamin B3 also contains eggs that can increase blood flow in the body. While the content of zinc in eggs can strengthen the immune system, helps wound healing and helps regulate hormones.

This article post is the alternative to the previous article. Read more on the article home remedies for acne overnight.

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