Amazingly Home Remedies For Acne Scars Using Bengkoang

Home remedies for acne scars using Yam bean not many people know. Because it is a fruit that is only available in certain countries are tropical. But do you know about the benefits of yam bean? If you know that I am sure you would pick this fruit as home remedies for acne scars is the most powerful and favorites. Just imagine in 10 days, a little at your acne scars will fade and eventually seemingly vague. Because I've tried it myself.

Not only that. Yam bean also efficacious to treat diseases such as skin rashes, diabetes, and skin fungus.Yam bean derived from the tropical American continent. And now spread throughout other tropical countries. Serve as the main ingredient in the manufacture of cosmetic beauty around the world.

Home Remedies For Acne Scars - The Content of Yam bean

home remedies for acne scars
According to health experts, yam bean have chemical properties, fermakologis a sweet, cold and cool. So that is cool, dry skin. The content of antiseptic on yam bean can overcome itching and skin tightening. Other chemical constituents are pachyrhizon, rotenon, vitamin B1 and C. of all content, no wonder so many facial whitening cosmetic products made from raw material yam bean.
Now you know the content of the fruit is so extraordinary yam bean this. Try to apply home remedies for acne scars. Will surely succeed!

How to Make Home Remedies for Acne Scars Using Yam bean

Here's how to use yam bean to remove acne scars:

1. Take 1/3 of the fruit yam bean, thinly sliced and apply on the face of existing acne scars. Or it could be applied to all parts of your face. Allow to dry and then rinse your face with warm water.

2. Another way to use that can be used for face masks. Finely crushed yam bean then Put on the whole face or can simply be squeezed water and rub on the face.

If you regularly do so, within 10 days when you looked in the mirror, you will see something different on your face. Your acne scars will fade. This is the kind of home remedies for acne scars is the most potent I have ever met.

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